
Work status: Available

Vector design

New brand for new beginnings

Vector is a London based Design agency specialized on SaaS products where I had the oportunity to work as a UI/UX Designer for 3 years.

During these years we made small changes to the former site, but after a while we realized that Vector’s brand was due to a redesign.

It wasn’t just a brand refreshment, Vector wanted to change, to grow and show its potential clients that they are not just web designers, they are a now specialist SaaS design studio focussing on retention.

Branding - UX/UI Design
Vector Desktop Mobile design

The Beginning

With the help of Treacle – a specialist brand and copy agency for agencies - Vector’s new positioning and voice was on the way but its visual appearance was barely beginning.

We started to look out for keywords and concepts that would help us to bring the new vision to light. We wanted the brand to be honest, inspirational, Fun and a little daring.


On the initial exploration I came up with 2 concepts for the visual language. The first one was thinking in Vector as guides that would help your product to grow. The second one was more focused on retention and how we wanted to help you (the client) to keep your users around you.

In terms of personality we juggle in between a quirky image or a more mature approach. A quirky personality was in-line with us internally, but a more mature look and feel felt like the right path to take if we really wanted to grow and attract a broader target.

These three below where initial draft created to have an idea of the approach we wanted to take:

vector drafts

After a few back and forwards we decided that retention was more inline with the direction Treacle was proposing and decided to represent this with “Orbits”, the client being the center and its users the elements around it.

Along with the brand elements we also revamped the logo. We wanted something simple, with a little of uniqueness that also displayed the company's full name.

vector logo before and after

For colour I wanted to bring this idea of growth through the greens, introduce some warmth with yellow CTAs and balance it out with a cream that would also help us to display projects with minimal colour clashes.

In terms of typography we wanted something stylish that combined with the vibe we were looking for. We picked Tenor Sans with its moderness and Work Sans for a bit of contrast.

vector type colours


The website’s layout was designed alongside the brand elements. We wanted a layout that felt uncommon without being hard to navigate.

For this reason I proposed a collapsable lateral navigation, it was uncommon compared with other agencies we looked at but also has a familiarity with dashboards that are part of many Saas products.

vector layout design

Along with our skills in visual design we also wanted to show potential clients that we were able to create solutions that required extra thinking on behaviours and interactions.

The case study pages where the most important pages to design. We wanted our case studies to have and impact combining great imagery with animations.

EmailOctopus design

Re-branding a trusted Email platform

Branding - UX/UI Design
TicketTailor design

A new identity for a group of dreamers

UX/UI Design